Miles Kitteridge

Miles the cat has recently turned 18 and is off on his own, but it’s a rough start. Cheeky and clever, but also inattentive and bored, he struggled all throughout school and was regarded as “troubled” and misbehaved. He internalized the idea that he must not be as capable as his studious siblings to whom he was always compared, so why bother? His passion for music and his skill at the guitar have been discouraged by his grandmother as a waste of time, but he always found a way to sneak around and learn to play.

Outcasted and feeling like nobody believes in him, an angsty young adult Miles has found acceptance amongst a pack of scrappy alley cats in New York’s punk scene, but they’ve turned him to a life of thievery on the dangerous streets. However, a part of him is still the dreaming, passionate kitten who wants to make it big in music, and he's about to set off on a new journey when he joins the new wave band, Fearless Minds.

Darrel Hare

Sturdy and reliable, Darrel the jackrabbit is the backbone of his band, Fearless Minds, as its bassist. He co-founded the band along with his college best friend, Fenris. Although Fenris is the lead singer, Darrel makes the important decisions and steers the band in the direction that he wants. He has to always feel in control, and becomes very anxious the moment anything drifts from the script in his head. Smug and convinced that he’s always right, the others sometimes feel creatively stifled by him. On the upside, Darrel is always honest and there’s nobody more trustworthy than him. There’s no doubt that he’s incredibly detail-oriented, especially in his approach to music. Although he is a stern leader, he does love his bandmates and is concerned about keeping them safe. He’s like a really strict dad who’s afraid to give his kids the freedom to be themselves. In fact, Darrel is a dad to a litter of four babies, and he looks forward to seeing them and his wife when the tour is over.

Layla Keys

Layla the monkey plays the synthesizer in the band and is perhaps the most innovative member - and the funniest. This playful comedian plays a vital role in bringing an upbeat - and often loud - energy onboard the tour bus. Her confidence and outgoing personality make her essential for forming connections between her band and other musicians that she may meet along the way.

Layla has an eye for design, and is fascinated by color, texture, and anything that sparkles. She is always trying on creative looks and styles, and isn't afraid to be bold with her costuming choices. If anything is new on the fashion scene, she’s the first to hear about it, and when it comes to music, she is likewise always on the cutting edge. With an open mind and fearless attitude, she expresses great curiosity towards anything she hasn’t seen or heard before, and loves to change things up.

Shawn Bernard

Easy-going and friendly, Shawn Bernard helps to keep peace in the band. He also keeps the beat, as the band’s drummer. Though he passionately puts all his energy into his onstage performance, off-stage he is usually a quiet and introspective fellow, who prefers to sit back and observe. The exception to his usual demeanor is when he is being introduced to a potential new friend, during which he becomes very excited and forgets how imposing he is. That being said, although he loves everyone he meets, if his friends are threatened he will defend them with all his bite!

Fenris Vanderwulf

Fenris Vanderwulf is the frontman of Fearless Minds, which he founded with his best friend from college, Darrel Hare. From the time he was little, Fenris's vocal and guitar talent was largely noted - some even considered him a child prodigy. He was the darling of every school competition and local contest, and as he grew up, became even more popular for his charisma and looks.

That's not to say none of this hasn't gone to his head - he has a need to hog the spotlight, and puts almost as much time into grooming himself as he does into his music. He is a smooth-talker who won't hesitate to charm his way into getting what he wants, and any promises he makes should be taken with a very large grain of salt.

That said, Fenris and Darrel made for a powerful duo from the start, with Fenris bringing the energy and appeal to their performances, while Darrel brought the craftsmanship and lyricism to their music. Lately, they've been butting heads a bit more than usual - as the years went by, the two have taken somewhat disparate paths in their lives and in their music.


A 60s hippie-turn-band-manager, Myrtle has seen it all and shows incredible chill at keeping her beloved band organized, together, and fed (and bathed..). Nobody disrespects Myrtle - they love her and listen to her, and would be totally lost without her. She’s tough and steady, but can make anyone feel safe and welcome, and she takes Miles in off the streets like a little lost kitten that needs nurturing. Down-to-earth, humble, and practical, she isn’t afraid to get dirty and is unfazed at the sight of blood and anything else (which comes in handy when she finds herself nursing her band’s savage bites and torn claws on bad nights). She is confident in who she is, and any negative opinions towards her just bounce off her hard shell. She drives and repairs the tour bus and knows all the best diners along the way, as she makes friends everywhere she travels to.

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Bio Coming Soon!

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©2022-2025 Abigail Muñoz